
Stainless steel |
229 kr

Make the most of a kitchen tool that takes your cooking to the next level.

  • Durable construction
  • Designed for the roasting pan
  • Multi-functional tool
  • Stainless steel

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24-hour support

<li>Dimensions: 34.5x22.3x2.8 cm</li>
<li>Weight: 582 g</li>
<li>Stainless steel</li>

  • Dimensions: 34.5x22.3x2.8 cm
  • Weight: 582 g
  • Stainless steel
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Oven safe up to 430°C

<li>Dishwasher safe</li>
<li>Oven safe up to 430°C</li>

  • Dimensions: 34.5x22.3x2.8 cm
  • Weight: 582 g
  • Stainless steel
  • Dishwasher safe
  • Oven safe up to 430°C

Rekommendera tillägg

Roasting Pan - 5-Ply

2 169 kr



514 kr


The Perfect Addition to Both Your Roasting Pan and Your Kitchen

Designed to fit perfectly in the roasting pan, allowing you to place a roast, a whole duck, or chicken on it, letting the juices drip away while the meat develops a crispy crust and stays juicy inside. The rack is absolutely indispensable if you're making porchetta in the oven and want perfectly crispy crackling all around. Thanks to its robust design, you won’t need to worry about it buckling under the weight of whatever you’re preparing.

The rack is an incredibly versatile kitchen tool, so it’s not just an addition to your roasting pan. It’s also ideal for other tasks in the kitchen – for example, use it to rest your steaks or cool your bread without steam ruining your results.

Betrodd av proffs

Thomas Rode

Tidigare Michelinkock

Dak Wichangoen

Tidigare Michelinkock och Masterchef-domare

Brian Mark Hansen

Kökskock, Søllerød Kro

Jeppe Foldager

Köksmästare, Dragsholms slott